Edition Olms Pattern + Palette Sourcebook 3

41.90 CHF   free shipping   
PATTERN + PALETTE SOURCEBOOK 3 is an invaluable tool for art directors, designers, and students working in the fashion, product, and grapic design fields, as well as anyone in the business of visual communication. Divided into six unique style sections, this book illuminates the dramatic effect colors have in design, page after color-drenched page. Distinct designs that play off each other keep designers engaged and inspired, time after time. As a bonus, PATTERN + PALETTE SOURCEBOOK 3 includes an interactive CD-ROM that contains the featured pattern. Users can select patterns, experiment with myriad colors, and even print out a sample of the pattern for reference. ...
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Orellfuessli.ch 41.90 CHF free shipping 41.90 CHF