GRIN ¿Vom faulen Holze lebend¿?! ¿ ¿Remapping¿ the "jungle" with Amo, Latino, Levinas et al.?

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Document from the year 2009 in the subject Law - Philosophy, History and Sociology of Law, University of Vienna (Institut für Rechtsphilosophie, Religions- und Kulturrecht), course: What could universities "learn" from Prof Dr Anton Wilhelm Amo?, language: English, abstract: Who was Anton Wilhelm AMO? What can we learn from him today? What should universities - with respect to so called "knowledge management", so called "divergent thinking", and anti-discriminatory measures learn from Amo, Levinas, Latino (De Sesa) et al ? These questions are raised as are questions with respect to rarely ever mentioned texts of KANT, HUME, HEGEL, ROUSSEAU and others, focussing on *anti-semitic, racist, misogyn(ist), uncritical, pseudo-scientific nonsense*, which is hardly ever mentioned in so called "biographies" about some of these men often presented as ethical "role models". ...
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