BoD – Books on Demand A Parent's Guido to Bilingualism

19.90 CHF   + 3.50 CHF   
This book discusses the questions of mixed-marriage bilingualism includingthat of the myths and prejudices still surrounding it. Based on the long-termexperiences of 45 families, it presents a wide range of views, intendedto reassure parents and make it easier for them to decide which path totake. Providing a close-up look at the day-to-day workings of bilingualfamilies, it often illustrates points with personal anecdotes and triesto show how children in such families are likely to become bilingual. Whatoptions are open to most parents and what will make them work? How muchchoice do parents really have? Which factors can tip the scales? Writtenin straightforward English and avoiding all linguistic jargon, it is intendedfor those interested in bilingualism but with no knowledge of linguistics,who simply want to learn about the ways in which children can become bilingual.It is in particular for the growing number of couples who do not sharethe same mother tongue and have, or are planning to have, a family andalso for their relatives or friends who may be critical of the idea ofchildren growing up with two languages. ...
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