JRP Editions SA Fabrice Gygi

63.90 CHF   free shipping   
A comprehensive monograph on the Swiss artist whose work has recently become known on the international scene. Author of numerous performances, printed projects, and self-organized events in the 1980s up to the mid-1990s, Gygi has always claimed a social and political dimension to his work. The architectural structures or the public systems that he reproduces (screens, terraces, tents, stands, etc.) reveal the authoritative aspects and the control systems of our society. The publication brings together all elements of the artist’s production, and is accompanied by several essays. * * The book is realized in collaboration with the Musée d'art moderne et contemporain (Mamco), in Geneva; the Villa Merkel, Galerien der Stadt Esslingen am Neckar; the Kunstverein St.Gallen Kunstmuseum; and the Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach. * * The French edition includes a text by Jean-Charles Massera and an interview with the artist by Christophe Cherix. * * The English edition includes texts by Irene Hofmann, Jean-Charles Massera, and John Miller. * * The German edition includes Massera's essay and two texts by Andreas Baur and Konrad Bitterli. ...
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