MCGRAW-HILL Professional Valve Handbook 3rd Edition

203.00 CHF   free shipping   
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of valves for the process industry Revised to include details on the latest technologies, Valve Handbook, Third Edition, discusses design, performance, selection, operation, and application. This updated resource features a new chapter on the green technology currently employed by the valve industry, as well as an overview of the major environmental global standards that process plants are expected to meet. The book also contains new information on: Valves used in the wastewater industry Applying emergency shutdown (ESO) valves Recent changes to shutoff classifications Valves specified for the nuclear industry The procurement process for the Nuclear Stamp (N-Stamp) The emergence of wireless technology and its application to current smart technology Characteristics of high-performance hydraulic fluid Valve Handbook, Third Edition, covers: Valve selection criteria Manual valves Check valves Pressure relief valves Control valves Manual operators and actuators Smart valves and positioners Valve and actuator sizing Green valve technology and application Common valve problems Valve purchasing issues ...
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