Oxford University Press Academ Equipe: Level 3

11.90 CHF   + 3.50 CHF   
"Part 3" continues to provide clear progression and excellent preparation for GCSE/Standard Grade. Teachers tell us that workbooks are particularly important at Year 9, where the ability range widens even further. They mean you can continue to use the course with all your students. This workbook's features include: activities for National Curriculum levels 2-7 in line with revised National Curriculum Attainment Target levels; differentiated workbooks for reinforcement and extension which enable you to keep using Equipe with the whole ability range; full consolidation of language learnt in Parts 1 and 2, in particular work with tenses and giving opinions; extended En Plus and Encore sections for greater differentiation; and language presented in a meaningful context: each of the six units is set in a different part of France, and also on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, each focusing on a teenager who lives in that area. ...
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Orellfuessli.ch 11.90 CHF 3.50 CHF 15.40 CHF