Springer Netherlands Reilly, J: Telecommunication Principles

117.00 CHF   free shipping   
This book provides a first introduction to the subject of telecommunications suit­ able for first and second year undergraduates following degree or similar courses in electronic engineering. There are very few specific prerequisites other than a general background in electric circuit principles and a level of mathematical maturity consistent with entry to engineering courses in British universities. The intention is to provide a broad perspective of modern telecommunication principles and applications. Following a general overview of telecommunications, a thorough, albeit introductory, treatment is provided of underlying principles such as signal representation and analysis, sampling, analogue and digital trans­ of several mission, modulation and coding. The book concludes with a description important systems applications which serve as case studies to illustrate further the principles introduced and demonstrate their application in a practical context. Many people have contributed, directly and indirectly, to this book. I am espe­ cially grateful to Professor Kel Fidler of the Open University for suggesting that I write the book and for the support and guidance he has provided throughout the endeavour. The Telecommunications Research Group of the Department of Elec­ trical Engineering Science at the University of Essex has provided a stimulating environment in which to develop my appreciation of telecommunication systems and in particular Professor Ken Cattermole has influenced my thinking greatly. ...
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