Nelson/word Pub Group There Is More to the Secret

21.90 CHF   + 3.50 CHF   
Is it possible to believe in both God and the "law of attraction"? A core argument of Rhonda Byrne's best-selling book "The Secret," the law of attraction says that thoughts are magnetic. Anyone can have whatever they want, be it good health, wealth, or even relationships. They need only train their minds to dwell on what they desire. But is this true? In this companion audio book to the current media storm, author Ed Gungor believes there is more to the story. Respecting the real needs that have caused so many to seize on Byrne's program of mental self-help, Gungor uncovers a more accurate representation of the power of the mind by examining the role God plays in the equation. His goal is not to attack, but to correct what he says is misguided advice in a manner both compassionate and compelling. His results may surprise you! ...
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