Woodbine House Playing by the Rules: A Story about Autism

21.90 CHF   + 3.50 CHF   
Jody's brother Josh has autismJody's narrates this story with irreverence, giving readers a picture of autism and how she can be relied on to ?translate? for her brother. When Great Aunt Tilda comes for a visit, Jody helps her aunt to understand Josh's behavior and navigate his quirks, likes and dislikes. She helps her brother get used to a new person in the house. Jody also does her best to steal her Aunt's attention and play games she usually can?t play because her brother doesn?t like them. Whimsical, full-color illustrations add to the amusing tone of this story about the typical dynamics that can occur between siblings when one has autism and the other doesn?t. PLAYING BY THE RULES is a supportive story for other siblings who take on responsibility for their brother or sister with autism and don?t get as much attention that they?d like. The story also shows how exchanging pictures (PECS) can be a successful alternative mode of communication. ...
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Orellfuessli.ch 21.90 CHF 3.50 CHF 25.40 CHF