Henle, Günter Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Adagio h-moll KV 540

14.90 CHF   + 3.50 CHF   
Mozart composed his Adagio in b minor K. 540 at a time when his financial situation was steadily deteriorating. The war against the Turks was constraining the Viennese people’s interest in music – works were not commissioned and concerts did not take place. It was of no matter that Mozart had shortly before (in 1787) been appointed a salaried k.k. Kammer-Kompositeur. Nevertheless in this year he composed several of his most important works: the “Coronation Concerto” K. 537, the three late symphonies as well as several piano trios. And he also composed this tender Adagio in b minor with its captivating expressiveness. Our single edition uses the musical text from the revised Edition “Piano Pieces” (HN 22). ...
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Orellfuessli.ch 14.90 CHF 3.50 CHF 18.40 CHF